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« Phone to Phone Data Transfer in One Click MobileTrans - MobileTransf | FIFA 15 player Neymar rode a miniature car to relax »

FIFA take action for no debt

Fifa 16 account Brazil Georgini,he managed the Zimbabwe national team from January 2008 to November. As early as in 2012, FIFA had already ordered the Zimbabwe national team to pay arrears owed to Georgini. World Soccer governing body FIFA said in a statement that they had took action for "no debt".

FIFA further stated that, although they have given a grace period, but the Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) remain to be paid. In the Zimbabwe warriors have not even begun to play ended with Buy fifa 16 coins a ball they join Russia Championship opportunities.

Zimbabwe also gave a series of terms and warnings, but Zimbabwe national team still has no representation. FIFA said Zimbabwe did not comment on the expulsion resolution above.

Zifa are now facing a dire financial straits, has more than $ 4 million in debt and was recently forced to auction their FIFA-funded training center property to resolve the legal dispute with former coach employees.


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